APIDA Organizations
Asian American Student Union (AASU)
Facebook | Instagram | umd.aasu@gmail.com
The Asian American Student Union (AASU) is a campus organization that strives to create an understanding of the different intersecting identities that comprise the Asian American/Pacific Islander community at the University of Maryland. The mission of AASU is to provide service, representation, and advocacy for the AAPI community at UMD. Membership is open to all undergraduate students.
Asian American InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Instagram | umdivinfo@gmail.com
AAIV provides a safe space for all people who are interested in learning more about Christianity and exploring what it means to follow Christ. We seek to develop a deeper understanding of the God of the Bible and how we can develop our relationships with Him, while also exploring the intersectionality of faith with our racial identity as Asian Americans.
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK)
Instagram | nkim10@umd.edu
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) is a Christian group devoted to nurturing a community of faith on the UMD campus. ABSK is on campuses throughout the East Coast, including Georgetown and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. ABSK strives to help students nurture their faith through in-depth study of the Bible, fellowship with one another, and service to the wider campus community.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi (aKDPhi)
Facebook | Instagram | http://umcpakdphi.com
alpha Kappa Delta Phi (αΚΔΦ) is the largest and only internationally recognized Asian-interest sorority. We were established at the University of California, Berkeley in 1990 and since then, we have 48 chapters at universities from coast to coast and are still going strong! We were established at the University of Maryland, College Park in Fall 2002.
Our sorority values sisterhood among women, scholarship, leadership and Asian awareness in the University and community.
Breast Cancer Awareness is our national philanthropy. Our fundraising efforts go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Facebook | Instagram | anokha.umd@gmail.com
Anokha is UMD’s very own South-Asian/American fusion a cappella group! Since its inception in 2001, Anokha has gained recognition both on- and off-campus. Meaning “unique” in Sanskrit, Anokha strives to spread South Asian culture through its music.
Bangladesh Student Association (BSA)
Bangladesh Student Association was established in order to promote cultural awareness of Bangladesh’s traditions, such as food, dance, clothing, language, and much more. We are also determined to contribute to diversity within the university and provide service to the community.
Chinese Student Association (CSA)
Facebook | Instagram | CSACollegePark@gmail.com
The Chinese Student Association is established to provide all kinds of services and to foster closer relationships among the Chinese students, faculty members, and other interested individuals at the University of Maryland. Our goal is to create a network amongst those that have interest in the Chinese culture, and to educate them on more on the Chinese culture.
Conversational Korean Club
Instagram | ckcumd@gmail.com
Conversational Korean Club is established for the expressed purpose of developing conversational Korean skills while learning about Korean tradition and culture.
Dabke Team
The Dabke Team aims to unite and serve the Arab community on campus by educating students about and how to perform the native folk dance, Dabke, performed in Middle Eastern countries such as Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, and Syria. The association is committed to benefiting both Arab and non-Arab communities through the inclusion of all interested students, expanding the diversity seen on campus. We aim to develop a well-rounded team of individuals all committed to learning the dance and promoting the Arab culture.
Instagram | marylandentouraas@gmail.com
To celebrate and express the Indian culture through dance. We perform garba/raas competitively across the country to spread awareness of our unique heritage as well as represent the University of Maryland as one of the top most talented schools for this style of dance.
Filipino Cultural Association (FCA)
Facebook | Instagram | public.relations@fcaatumd.com
FCA is an organization that represents the diverse and dynamic Filipino population on campus. FCA promotes pride among the Filipino Student community and seeks to educate others about the Filipino heritage. We unite our members through cooperative involvement in cultural, academic, political, athletic, and social programs and activities. Through our shared experiences, we preserve, encourage, and inspire the celebration of our culture. All are welcome to join, Filipino and non-Filipino.
Instagram | umd.ggwb@gmail.com
We are a UMD dance team that learns and performs covers of dances from various Asian music genres, such as k-pop, c-pop, j-pop, etc. along with some self-made choreography. We perform at various cultural events on campus to spread knowledge about Asian pop culture.
Hindu Student Council (HSC)
Facebook | Instagram | umdhindustudentscouncil@gmail.com
HSC is an organization dedicated to raising awareness of Hinduism through educational, social and cultural activities.
Iota Nu Delta (IND)
Facebook | Instagram | firebrand63@iotanudelta.com | www.indetachapter.com
Iota Nu Delta, the First South Asian interest fraternity, develops well-rounded men to be tomorrow’s leaders–bold individuals who strive towards the forefront of progress in our global society. First and foremost, they must uphold their core responsibilities–to Faith, Family, Academics and Career.
Men of Iota Nu Delta engage in the lifelong cultivation of Mind, Body, and Soul. They come from diverse backgrounds, but each shares the bold ambition to accomplish greater things in life. In their quest, they are empowered by the resources of a national network that is built not merely by “membership in an organization,” but by the unbreakable bonds of Brotherhood Eternal.
Iranian Student Foundation (ISF)
Facebook | Instagram | umdisf@gmail.com
The Iranian Students’ Foundation (ISF) is a non-religious and non-political entity that was established at the University of Maryland-College Park in 1984.
Our mission is to unite students who are interested in Iranian culture, build a stronger presence on the greater UMD campus, and maintain a bond with the neighboring Iranian American communities.
Japanese American Student Association (JASA)
Facebook | Instagram | umcpjasa00@gmail.com
The Japanese American Student Association exists to foster cross cultural awareness and appreciation between Japan, America, and all other nations.
All persons interested in the Japanese culture and/or language is eligible to be participating members of the Japanese American Student Association.
Kappa Phi Lambda (KPL)
Facebook | Instagram | kpl.ultimatum@gmail.com
Kappa Phi Lambda is an Asian interest sorority that strives to strengthen sisterhood among women by providing service and promoting cultural diversity to our members and our community and seeks to further education individuals about pan-Asian culture, while keeping our own identities.
Kharis Campus Ministry (KCM)
Facebook | Instagram | kcm.umcp@gmail.com
If you are a student seeking salvation in Christ Jesus, worshipping God, and having fellowship among Korean Christians on campus, you are in the right place! Our main activities include evangelistic events and other events that promote fellowship.
Korean Student Association (KSA)
Facebook | Instagram | UMDKSA@gmail.com
The Korean Student Association (KSA) at the University of Maryland, College Park is a student-led organization striving to introduce and promote Korean culture as well as to provide a support system for the KSA community on campus. Throughout the academic year, we host events ranging from movie nights to our annual K-Expo. These events are to simply have fun and embrace the Korean culture by building a positive community. Be a part of the family! Join us in making this vision a reality!
Korean Pop Dance Club (Ganji)
Instagram | kpdcumd@gmail.com
“K-Pop Dance Club” (otherwise known as Ganji) was established for the expressed purpose of exploring Korean Culture and learning K-Pop choreography in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. No experience required for joining our workshops.
Maryland Dhoom
Instagram | marylandhoom@gmail.com
Maryland Dhoom is a South Asian fusion competing dance team. We include dance styles ranging from Bollywood, Bhangra, and Indian Classical to Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern, and much more. We strive to encompass various styles of cultural dances and spread awareness of south-Asian culture to our campus, community, and everywhere we go.
Maryland Masti (MM)
Facebook | Instagram | director@marylandmasti.com
Maryland Masti is an Executive Board that plans and hosts an annual intercollegiate Garba/Raas competition at the University of Maryland, College Park to promote traditional Indian culture and folk dance traditions. This competition is one of the competitions across the USA that allows dancers to gain a bid to go to nationals. All proceeds of this event go to PRATHAM USA, a charity which promotes literacy in rural India.
Maryland Mauj
Instagram | marylandmauj@gmail.com
The purpose of this cultural organization is to unite various dance teams from across the region in a large, friendly competitive environment. The group was founded to educate its audience members and the general public about the dance form of bhangra, which over the years has diversified to being performed in many different styles and ways.
Every year, eight teams from across the nation gather at the University of Maryland to showcase their talent and commitment at the classical Indian dance competition, Mayuri. As a nationally recognized classical competition, we hope to encourage participation in Indian classical dance and provide teams with a venue to flourish, learn, and compete.
Instagram | umd.moksha@gmail.com
The dancers of Moksha are dedicated to Indian classical dance in all its forms. We combine contemporary music with Indian classical dance, as well as choreograph our own pieces. We hope to raise awareness of this art form through performances at the university and various other venues and through competitions.
Multiracial and Biracial Students Association (MBSA)
Facebook | Instagram | mbsa.umcp@gmail.com
MBSA strives to promote multicultural awareness and unite the pan-racial campus community through education and constructive discourse. Our goal is to create a diverse and tight-knit community that can be called home by not only the mixed-race people on the UMCP campus but anyone interested in learning about the mixed-race experience as well.
Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Facebook | Instagram | umcpmsa@gmail.com
The Muslims Students’ Association at the University of Maryland College Park is a student-run organization that strives to promote unity amongst Muslim students as well as education for those interested in Islam through on-campus and off-campus events and gatherings. Our goal is to create a community of people who support and care for one another for His(swt) sake as we journey through our time at the University of Maryland.
Muslimahs for Change UMD (M4C)
Instagram | m4c.umd@gmail.com
Muslimahs for Change is an interest group for Mu Delta Alpha (MΔA) which is a Professional Muslim Sorority that inspires leadership in all women and empowers them through professionalism providing mentorship, education, sisterhood, leadership skills, career opportunities, and professional development.
Nepalese Student Association (NSA)
The Nepalese Student Association is a community of UMD students that gather to coordinate fundraisers and other outreach events, spreading and raising awareness for Nepalese culture and identity among the UMD community and the greater DC Metro area. The UMD chapter was founded in April 2015 following the disastrous earthquake that devastated much of Nepal, and was able to raise over four thousand dollars in relief funds. Now, the NSA@UMD aims to spread our culture and diversity to the campus we all love.
Pakistani Student Association (PSA)
Facebook | Instagram | psa1@gmail.com
The mission of the PSA is to provide an outlet through which students and faculty on campus can come together to help raise awareness about Pakistan and promote its rich cultural heritage.
By hosting various events throughout the year, we aim at reaching out to different parts of the campus community to increase social interactions between both students and faculty members.
Phi Delta Sigma (FDS)
Facebook | umcp.phideltasigma@gmail.com
Phi Delta Sigma’s Mission Statement: Phi Delta Sigma’s mission is to promote philanthropy, academic prestige, professionalism, and above all, brotherhood. Through these qualities our members will become better prepared for future endeavors and challenges. Phi Delta Sigma has been built on the foundation of honor and virtue to exemplify respectable characteristics in the university and community.
Sigma Psi Zeta (SYZ)
Facebook | Instagram
Sigma Psi Zeta is a multicultural Asian Interest sorority. Our philanthropy is to combat the Domestic Violence against women. We were founded on the 10 rays of sisterhood which are: integrity, legacy, scholarship, professionalism, philanthropy, community, culture, sisterhood, citizenship, and activism.
Sikh Student Association (SSA)
Instagram | umdssa1@gmail.com
Raise the spiritual and political awareness of the Sikh faith among Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike on the University of Maryland College Park campus. In addition we seek to create and foster a cohesive campus Sikh Community through community service and social events as well as build bridges with other groups.
Sri Lankan Student Association (SLSA)
umdslsa@gmail.com | Facebook | | Instagram
The Sri Lankan Student Association (SLSA) is dedicated to connecting students who are interested in Sri Lankan culture to raise awareness of Sri Lanka and to introduce its culture to the University of Maryland community.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
Facebook | Instagram | umdsjp@gmail.com
Students for Justice in Palestine, University of Maryland College Park chapter is a diverse group of students, faculty, staff, and community members at University of Maryland, organized on democratic principles to raise awareness about the human rights violations committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. We are in solidarity with the Palestinias and their struggle for human rights, justice, liberation, self-determination and the right of return. SJP welcomes individuals of all backgrounds to join in solidarity with the struggle for justice in Palestine.
Taiwanese American Student Association (TASA)
Facebook | Instagram | umcptasa@gmail.com
TASA at UMCP is dedicated to developing and maintaining Taiwanese/Taiwanese American student life and organizational relations at the University of Maryland – College Park, as well as developing relations with Taiwanese/Taiwanese American communities nationwide.
TerraPind Bhangra
Instagram | bhangraumd@gmail.com
We are the University of Maryland’s premiere co-ed bhangra team! Established in 2010, TerraPind Bhangra strives to bring an entertaining performance while maintaining the traditional and folk roots from Punjab. Go Terps!
Tianyi Dance Team
| Facebook | Instagram | tianyidance@gmail.com
Tianyi Dance Team at the University of Maryland is a group of students who express their passion for Chinese culture through traditional Chinese dance. Tianyi Dance Team strives to break down cross-cultural barriers through the graceful, yet powerful language of dance. We hope to widen the perspectives of the University of Maryland community, so that we all can learn to understand and embrace different cultures.
Turkish Student Organization
Turkish Student Association is a non-religious and cultural club. Our organization is open to those who are interested in learning about the history and traditions of Turkey. TSO’s mission is to create an open and friendly environment to all members including anyone else interested in the Turkish culture.
Tzu Ching (TC)
Instagram | umdtzuching@gmail.com
At UMDTC, we want to create a welcoming and open atmosphere for members. We hope that through service, members will learn more about themselves and about others, and will be able to take away lessons that they can apply to their everyday lives.
Vietnamese Student Association (VSA)
Facebook | Instagram | admin@vsaumcp.com
Through cultural and social events, VSA UMCP members can collaborate and share common interests on local, national and/or international issues, which are relevant to the Vietnamese American community. We take pride in knowing that we are still one of the few socially and culturally based students groups on campus.